Thursday 27 February 2014

pssst.... im still alive.... xx

Oh hey hey there,

Guess who survived her first SPUDDS experience?!!! Yeh not me... but the 3 other ladies in the class absolutely killed it!! haha i kid i kid..... I DID IT!!! I made it through the class and most importantly i made it through without any tears or any incidences of throwing up! #winning

(there may or may not have been a lot of dry heaving and whinging - but that is beside the point)

Moving along.

Sadly my "Glistening" days are behind me. After a warm up of some pretty radical Jersey Shore style "fist pumping" with weights (again - i may or may not have been the only one "fist pumping") I was thrown into my very own version of hell. A small hot room in the gym that felt like it was 100 degrees and I was set to work on a Cross Trainer....cut to me - 30 seconds in - SWEATING! ewwy.

Im proud I managed to make my way around all 22 stations of pain without cheating! As a side note: you  actually can't escape the watchful eye of the raging lunatic in the ring anyway - Mark is like a jungle cat and just when you start to pump the breaks he pounces and scares the absolute hell out of you! True story.

(wearing fluro orange probably didn't help my cause either - amateur)

My biggest achievments from the session were that i didn't give up, cry or throw up haha and i got taught how to box! Ive never boxed before and im going to be straight with you - i felt like an absolute weapon in the ring hurling punches at Big Spudd. And the best bit? I can only get better! wooo!


* Ive actually never felt this kind of all over body pain in my entire life
* My toosh, calves and thighs feel like they have been shot (but bring on the Box Gap/Juicy Kard-ass-hian i say)
* I met some great people and had an absolute ball
* Im hooked and will be heading to the torture chamber every Tuesday now
* Fist Pumping with weights is under rated and total hilarious fun

* King Carroll is scarier and tougher than Queen Carroll. Easily.

bottom left - yeh - we are totally Fist Pumping!!

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